

Ponderings About Writing: Why Become a Writer? Why Should You Even Write?

Writing is not an easy thing. There are things to worry about while writing – things like grammar and style. Not to mention pleasing your audience (or rather readers). Most of all writing takes a lot of patience and a great deal of talent. First, you need to put in ample time and effort to develop your aptitude for writing. And then, you need inspiration to be able to express that certain gift for writing.

They say writers are made not born – that anyone could become a writer. But writers don’t also become writers unless they start from scratch, and then from this scratch the journey is endless. The entire process is long, tiresome, and sometimes frustrating (painful for those who have to survive under the knives of their editors). Not to mention the money yield is pinkie-size. So why should you decide to become a writer? Why should you even start to write?

The answer is because you can. The moment you notice that you have the potential and the calling for this special endeavor, you shouldn’t at any chance waste the time to seize the pen and write. Maybe you have a certain eye for noticing things that people don’t usually consider, much less write about. Maybe you have gab at expressing your thoughts in written form. Then you must consider yourself a writer. If you don’t see yourself as a writer you can’t become a successful one.

Writing is fulfilling. You experience a certain itch once a good topic or some nice thoughts pop inside your head. You just can’t wait to get a hold of a paper, or start tapping on your laptop. Putting down the words to create magnificent ideas satisfies the urge – the urge to connect with people, your readers in a special way. For me writing is the highest level of communication. In writing you can say things you don’t normally could. The possibilities are endless. Just try to free write and read the resulting product. It reveals things you hadn’t at first thought were in your mind and in your heart. Reading the result of your writing could be illuminating. It tells so much about yourself, if not about the topic the topic you are writing about. Writing is a craft and you must try it. Relish it.

If you want to become a more creative person then it’s definitely worth the try. In writing you can say things in a more creative light. If you can draw dragons, you can also write about them. You can even clarify thoughts once you put them down on paper. Writing can also instruct, educate. Best of all it can entertain. Doesn’t some writing sound melodious to the ears? It’s like hearing songs but while reading. Writing is absolutely for the creative soul. It’s also for the intellectually motivated.

If you have great ideas why shouldn’t there be a way for you to express it? Writing is a great medium. It’s noble and it only asks for a pen and paper. Try writing today and be amazed at how much you could enjoy it. It’s for everyone and it’s free.

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